Category Archives: Health

The ‘C’ Code: Decoding the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Successful Relationships in Business and Beyond

In the intricate tapestry of human interactions, whether in personal relationships or the world of business, certain foundational principles stand out as critical building blocks.  Just as we navigate our personal connections, businesses too rely on a set of principles to establish and maintain successful relationships, with their team and alignment with clients. Some call this core values of a business.

This article will dive into the ten foundational principles of successful relationships and align it with the direct relevance to the a business landscape.

The ‘C’ Code: Decoding the 10 Fundamental Pillars of Successful Relationships in Business and Beyond

1. Communication: The Bedrock of Understanding

At the heart of every thriving relationship lies effective communication. In personal connections, it’s about expressing thoughts and emotions openly, creating a deep understanding. Similarly, in business, clear communication is the recipe for longevity. Transparent communication ensures alignment, minimizing misunderstandings and paving the way for a robust partnership.

2. Compromise: Finding Common Ground

In the ebb and flow of relationships, compromise is the lubricant that keeps the gears turning smoothly. It’s not about sacrificing principles but about finding middle ground. In the business landscape, aligning with clients often necessitates compromise. Negotiating terms, adjusting strategies, and meeting halfway are crucial components of a successful partnership. The ability to find common ground echoes the dynamics of personal relationships, where compromise is the key to fostering harmony and understanding.

3. Consistency: Building Trust Brick by Brick

Consistency, the steady heartbeat of reliability, forms the backbone of trust in both personal and business relationships. Predictability in actions and words breeds trust.  It is the foundation upon which trust is built, allowing individuals to feel secure and confident. In business, delivering consistent products or services builds client confidence. When clients know they can depend on you, it helps with a sense of security, akin to the reassurance found in consistent personal relationships. Just as consistency is a marker of trust in personal connections, it serves as a pillar of reliability in the business world, strengthening the client’s belief in the partnership.

4. Commitment: The Glue That Binds

Commitment is the glue that binds personal relationships and business partnerships alike. In business, commitment manifests as a devotion to client satisfaction. A committed business goes the extra mile, demonstrating a dedication to the client’s success. Just as in personal relationships, commitment breeds loyalty and longevity in business partnerships. It is the promise to navigate challenges together and celebrate successes as a united front.

5. Compatibility: Shared Values, Shared Success

Compatibility, the invisible thread connecting individuals, is equally vital in business. Aligning with clients who share similar values and goals creates a synergy that propels the relationship forward. In personal relationships, compatibility is the magic that turns shared interests and values into a deep and meaningful connection. In business, compatibility involves aligning with clients whose values and goals resonate with the company’s mission. Business partnerships flourish when there is compatibility in vision and objectives. Just as personal relationships flourish when based on common ground, business partnerships thrive when there’s alignment in values and objectives.

6. Compassion: A Human Touch in Business

In the realm of human connections, compassion is the gentle touch that heals wounds and nurtures growth. In business, compassion translates into understanding and addressing the client’s concerns. It’s about recognizing their challenges and empathizing with their needs. A compassionate approach builds a foundation of trust and mutual respect, essential in both personal and business relationships. Compassion in business is not merely a transactional gesture; it is the human touch that transforms a business-client relationship into a partnership grounded in empathy and understanding.

7. Chemistry: The Spark That Ignites Collaboration

Chemistry, the intangible spark between individuals, is the secret sauce in successful personal relationships. It’s the magnetic connection that makes interactions enjoyable, effortless, and fulfilling. In business, chemistry translates into a positive rapport that goes beyond the transactional. It’s about understanding each other, anticipating needs, and creating a connection that goes beyond the surface. Just as personal chemistry makes relationships enjoyable, business chemistry makes collaborations dynamic and fulfilling. The ability to connect on a personal level with clients creates a partnership that transcends the purely professional, making the collaboration more meaningful and enjoyable for both parties.

8. Connection: Bridging the Emotional Gap

A strong emotional connection is a driving force in personal relationships, creating a sense of intimacy and belonging. In business, establishing a connection with clients goes beyond the transactional. It involves building a relationship based on trust and understanding. Businesses that connect with clients on a personal level create a bond that transcends the purely professional. Just as personal connections thrive on emotional bonds, business relationships flourish when there is a genuine emotional connection between the company and its clients.

9. Confidence: Building Trust in Business Transactions

Confidence, the silent assurance that underlies personal relationships, is equally crucial in business. Clients need to trust that a business can deliver on its promises. Confidence in the business’s abilities instills trust and forms the bedrock of a successful partnership. In personal relationships, confidence is the assurance that the other person is capable and reliable. It is the trust that allows individuals to lean on each other for support and guidance. In business, confidence is the assurance that the company can meet the client’s needs and expectations. It is the trust that the business will deliver quality products or services consistently. Just as personal confidence enhances interpersonal relationships, business confidence will help build trust and credibility, laying the groundwork for a successful and enduring partnership.

10. Continued Growth: Nurturing the Relationship

In personal relationships, growth is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and shared experiences. It involves adapting to change, learning from challenges, and celebrating milestones together. In business, the principle remains the same. A successful partnership requires continuous growth and adaptation. Both parties must evolve, embracing change and innovation to stay relevant. Just as personal growth enriches relationships, business growth ensures the longevity and sustainability of partnerships. The ability to navigate change, learn from experiences, and grow together ensures that the business-client relationship remains vibrant and resilient in the ever-evolving landscape.

Bridging the Gap Between Personal and Business Relationships

In the tapestry of life, the threads of personal and business relationships often weave together seamlessly. The principles that guide successful connections are remarkably similar, transcending the boundaries between personal and professional spheres. Whether in the warmth of personal bonds or the pragmatism of business collaborations, these ten principles form the sturdy framework that supports, sustains, and elevates relationships to new heights.

As we navigate the complexities of our interconnected lives, the wisdom gained from successful personal connections can serve as a compass, guiding businesses towards lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with their clients. The bridge between personal and business relationships is not a chasm but a continuum, where the principles that creates human connections also lay the groundwork for successful and enduring business partnerships. By recognizing and embracing these shared principles, businesses can cultivate relationships that go beyond transactions, creating meaningful connections that stand the test of time. In doing so, they not only secure the loyalty and trust of their clients but also contribute to a business landscape where success is measured not only in profits but in the strength and depth of the relationships forged along the way.

If this is something you are interested in learning more about this and how to weave this into your tech, marketing or systems of your business, we would be happy to chat. We have limited spots available, but go ahead and book a free, no strings attached strategy call with us today while spots are still available.

Solstice Wisdom: 7 Strategies to Leverage the Solstice Metaphor for Business Growth

Amidst the festive cheer and holiday greetings, there’s an astronomical event that quietly takes the stage—the winter solstice. Beyond its celestial significance, this natural occurrence holds a powerful metaphorical weight, symbolizing the transition from darkness to light—a metaphor that can be harnessed to not only renew team spirit but also propel your business towards greater success.

The Solstice: Cosmic Inspiration for Business Leaders

The winter solstice, occurring around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, marks a pivotal point in Earth’s orbit around the sun. As we experience the shortest day and longest night, this celestial event becomes a metaphor for the ebb and flow of challenges and triumphs that businesses face. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest times, there’s the potential for renewal, hope, and the promise of brighter business days ahead.

Building Business Momentum in the Light

Just as the solstice heralds longer days and increased sunlight, the metaphor of moving from darkness to light can inspire business leaders to cultivate a dynamic and productive work environment. Here’s how you can leverage this metaphor to illuminate success in your business:

1. Renewal of Business Objectives

Much like the solstice serves as a reset in nature, take this time to reflect on your business’s past achievements and challenges. Encourage your team to leave behind any lingering difficulties and approach the upcoming days with a fresh perspective. Use this renewal of purpose to redefine and refine your business objectives.

2. Infusing Positive Energy and Optimism

As the days grow longer, a natural boost in energy accompanies the increased sunlight. Translate this positive shift into your business culture by fostering creativity, enthusiasm, and a collective can-do attitude among your team. A positive work environment is a breeding ground for innovative solutions and increased productivity.

3. Setting New Business Milestones

The solstice, as a metaphor for progress and achievement, is an ideal time to set new milestones for your business. Work collaboratively with your team to outline clear, attainable goals that align with the overarching vision of your organization. These milestones become beacons guiding your business towards success.

4. Elevating Morale and Team Dynamics

Seasonal changes influence individuals’ moods, and the transition to longer days is often associated with improved well-being. Leverage this positive shift to cultivate a business culture where team members feel valued and supported. Elevated morale contributes to stronger team dynamics, fostering a collaborative and productive atmosphere.

5. Enhancing Business Collaboration and Communication

The metaphor of moving into the light signifies increased visibility and clarity. Capitalize on this by enhancing communication and collaboration within your business. Clear communication channels enable seamless information flow, facilitating better decision-making and overall business efficiency.

6. Adaptability and Resilience in Business Operations

Nature’s adaptability to changing seasons serves as a powerful lesson for businesses—embrace change and cultivate resilience. Equip your business with the ability to adapt to market shifts and emerging trends. A resilient business is not only productive but also capable of navigating challenges and emerging stronger.

7. Celebrating Business Achievements

Finally, the transition from darkness to light is a reason to celebrate business achievements. Recognizing and celebrating success motivates your team and creates a positive atmosphere. Regular acknowledgment of achievements instills a sense of pride and commitment among your team members, fueling continued business success.

Conclusion: Guiding Your Business into the Light

As the holiday season unfolds, let your business celebration extend beyond festivities. Embrace the solstice metaphor not just as a cosmic event but as a guiding principle for building and growing your business. The solstice symbolizes that even in the darkest business challenges, there is the promise of light and renewal. Align your business goals and mindset with the natural rhythm of this metaphorical journey, and watch as your business shines ever brighter in the coming year. Merry Christmas, and may your business journey be filled with the light of success!

If this is something you are interested in learning more about, we would be happy to chat. We have limited spots available, but go ahead and book a free, no strings attached strategy call with us today while spots are still available.

10 Strategies for Thriving as a Business Owner Despite Silent Health Challenges

Living with PCOS, a silent and invisible disease, has been a relentless battle. This hormonal imbalance, triggered by insulin resistance, has left me in constant pain and fatigue. The pain, concentrated in my lower back, and the unyielding exhaustion have stolen precious moments from my life and stifled my adventurous spirit.

As a business owner, this silent disease has posed an even greater challenge. The toll it takes on my health has rippled into my professional life. I’ve lost clients, and friends have distanced themselves, unable to comprehend the magnitude of my struggles. The weight of this invisible burden has led to deep depression, affecting both my relationships and my business.

But amidst this darkness, a glimmer of hope has emerged. I’ve taken control of my health, assembling a dedicated team of professionals who address my physical, emotional, and mental well-being holistically. While I still consult with doctors, this integrated approach has allowed me to reduce medications and turn to natural remedies like Turmeric for pain relief and Vitamin D/B injections to combat fatigue.

I also extend my hand in support to those enduring similar silent battles. The isolation and misunderstanding that accompany silent diseases can be overwhelming. If you find yourself in a similar struggle, please seek help without shame. I wish I had prioritized my well-being sooner. If sharing my story can help just one person, it will be a triumph. Love yourself, build a strong support system, and remember, relief is attainable. Together, we can conquer the darkest of days.

In this blog, we’ll explore 10 ways to navigate these issues while maintaining your role as a business owner.

Acknowledge Your Reality: 

The first step is recognizing that you’re dealing with a legitimate health condition. Silent diseases can be isolating, but understanding and accepting your situation is crucial.

Seek Professional Help: 

Consult with healthcare professionals who specialize in your condition. As you’ve experienced, having a dedicated team can make a world of difference.

Embrace Holistic Healing: 

Explore complementary therapies that address the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of your health. Integrative approaches can be highly effective.

Optimize Your Diet: 

Pay attention to the foods you consume. Certain dietary changes, such as incorporating anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, can alleviate some symptoms.

Prioritize Rest: 

Don’t underestimate the power of quality sleep. Develop healthy sleep habits to combat chronic fatigue.

Stay Active: 

Regular physical activity, even in moderation, can help manage pain and improve your mood. Consult with a professional for suitable exercises.

Manage Stress: 

Stress can exacerbate symptoms. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness into your daily routine.

Set Realistic Goals: 

Understand that your condition might limit your activities at times. Setting achievable goals will help you avoid disappointment.

Communication is Key: 

Maintain open and honest communication with your friends, family, and clients. Educate them about your condition to foster understanding and support.


Love yourself and be patient. Remember that you’re not alone in this journey. Seek out and lean on your support system when needed.

By implementing these strategies, you can work towards balancing your health while continuing to thrive as a business owner. Remember, it’s okay to lean on others for support, and your journey can inspire and help others facing similar challenges.

And in closing, I want to express my profound gratitude to those who’ve stood by me. Please, continue to invite me and support me, for I am on the path to recovery. Even on my toughest days, I’ll be living vicariously through your adventures and will be joining you soon.

How to Set Work Hours Working From Home

The ability to design your own work schedule is a double-edged sword. It’s great not feeling chained to your desk for the arbitrary 9-5 grind.

But it’s also easy to avoid ever setting a schedule. Before you know it, you’re always either working or thinking about work. It’s increasingly difficult to leave work at work. Projects that could be done in an hour end up taking longer.

The irony of the “I don’t need to abide by a set schedule” life is that we often function better when we create a schedule.

The Benefit of Setting Work Hours

Many work-from-home individuals resist setting work hours like the plague. One huge appeal of being your own boss is the freedom that comes with control over your schedule right?

But the reality of failing to set work hours tells a different story. Not sticking to a work schedule ends up hurting you in the long wrong in different ways.

  1. It’s hard to leave work at work. When work stops at 5, it’s easier to stop thinking about work at 5. When there is no firm end to the work day, it’s so much harder to transition from “work mode” to “living your life mode.” You feel guilty watching TV and wonder if you should go get that one article done. You daydream thinking of your to-do list. You always feel “on,” making it difficult to give yourself the rest you need.
  2. You waste precious mental energy. Each day you wake up without a firm schedule. Each day, you waste time and energy deciding how much you will work and when. It’s the element of decision fatigue. The more decisions we make each day, the more drained we become. It’s why superstars like Steve Jobs wore the same outfit every day. One less decision to make meant a bit more energy for more important matters.
  3. Tasks take longer than they should. Parkinson’s Law basically states however long a task can take is usually how long it will. Maybe you wake up and know, if needed, you could log a 10-hour day today to get that big project done. What ends up happening? You tend to work that 10-hour day. The beauty of the set work schedule is work is only allowed to fill those hours. Usually, everything always gets done.

These problems can be tackled (or at least minimized) by setting a consistent work schedule. The initial constraint of work hours ends up giving you more free time and freedom to enjoy your time outside work guilt free.

Setting an Optimized Work Schedule

Here is where you get to enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. Maybe your peak creativity hours are early morning and early evening. In the middle of the day, you suffer from the afternoon slump. So work in the peak hours and go workout or run errands when your brain power dips.

A work schedule does not mean you must bow down at the altar of the 9-5 work week. Those hours are not ideal anyway! In fact, with the right productivity tactics you may get 8 hours of work done in 7 or 6. All a work schedule means is setting strict work hours and strict non-work hours. If you can accomplish you work between 10-4, that’s great!

You can even set a different work schedule for different days of the week. Maybe you are a work-from-home parent taking advantage of a babysitting co-op. On Tuesday mornings, you get to wrangle the group’s kiddos to the library activity. So on Tuesdays, your work day starts a few hours later.

It doesn’t matter what type of schedule you make. What matters is knowing going into the day which hours you work. Designated work hours protect your “non-work” time.

Once you create a schedule, protect it fiercely. Don’t check your email outside of work hours. Let your clients know what hours they can expect to reach you by phone…and don’t pick up if it’s outside of those (or work into your contract it’s a $75 fee every time they do). When you are done for the day, be done. Don’t fall into the trap of well I could get one more thing done. Allow yourself to rest and relax!

Working from home can be the ideal set up. Setting optimized work hours helps you be the ideal worker and live a balanced life. It’s a win-win!

If you want assistance on setting hours that work for you or need help getting all your work done in the allotted time, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! Just give us a call or shoot us an email to get started.


14 Opportunities and Ideas to Help Add Additional Income During the Pandemic

Hello loves!  I wanted to share some information that may be helpful for those that recently were laid off and/or you are looking to supplement your income during and beyond the Convid-19 Pandemic. Like many online business owners,  I have a unique birdseye view because of the work that I do and the business I run. None of it is a secret or a ninja trick, and much of it you already have likely heard about, so most of it is just a re-iteration.  

I have compiled a list of 14 opportunities and ideas to help add additional income during the pandemic for yourself and your family in these times of uncertainty.  

As we start to do more and more delivery and curbside shopping, eating and etc… we will see that we simply do not have the force to support it.  Here are places that you can look into if you are looking for work.

1) Grocery stores are hiring and their services are in high demand.  Check into Clicklist and Instacart shoppers particularly

2) Doordash and Uber Eat Drivers – Even Pizza Delivery as well

3) Talk to your local marijuana dispensers and liquor stores – See about helping them with their curbside services…and in some cases delivery options

4) Amazon warehouses are hiring as well as drivers and customer service agents.  Amazon alone is providing over 100k jobs

5) Become a secret shopper.  I know that times are different right now, but there are many online secret shopping opportunities, for instance, customer service secret shopping with Expedia.  The restaurant and retail store options won’t be available (unless they pivot) is my guess, but there are other opportunities. Let me preface that this is NOT a huge moneymaker, but it is great for supplemental income.  I always had fun with secret shopping and I think you could too.

If you are looking at making some extra money in the online sphere here are some pretty great options. 

6) For online work look into , these are customer service jobs that you can do from home.  You must have a dedicated phone line (not a cell phone) and highspeed internet. 

7) Working Solutions is another home-based customer service opportunity as well –

8) United Health Care for those that work in more of a medical field, they are hiring to help with the influx of calls that are coming in.  

9) If you have a special craft, like content writing, graphic design, etc… you can look into  or and if you make and sell your own goods, look at facebook market place, and   

10) I realize that the stock market is a pretty scary place right now, but it also offers a lot of opportunities.  Stocks are at a record low right now. The market will not be this unstable forever and it is guaranteed that there will be a boom (just don’t know when).  The beauty of that is if you can get in at a cheap buy-in, like now, it could provide a huge return in 6-months. Only look into this if you feel empowered to do so.  You can start up through Robinhood, which is a free platform for buying and selling stocks in the stock market. It is pretty intuitive and if you use this link you can earn free stock to start your journey with. Truly investing in stock (if you have the means) now might set you up for life. It could be like buying Amazon in 1997 if you get my drift!  For Robinhood, though, it doesn’t require any investment right now, just sign up, get your free stock and start dabbling. Use this link to get your free stock >>> 

11) For those that are toying with taking their business or ideas to Facebook, I have a free mini-training “8 Ways to Revive your Facebook Business Page Organic Reach” that you can take. It is a tiny bit outdated, but the content is still very relevant.  

12) If you are looking to take your vision into an online setting and getting serious about taking this time to pivot instead of panic, I would like to offer up some of my time to help you brainstorm. While I do have limited time,  I still would like to offer up my own time as a resource. I am offering free 30 minute consults for a limited amount of folks (no strings attached, just value, value, value) the rest of the month. Private message me if you are interested.  

13) I am also working on some additional free training and webinars to help people with making supplemental income online or to finally start your own online business journey.  If you have a topic you would like me to touch on or have someone in the community talk about, please private message me or put your request below.

14) Lastly (for now), I would love to create a container for those interested to network together and join in on the opportunity to join think tanks, masterminds, engagement circles, and other self-promotion threads so we can all build each other up, stay connected, and love one another.

Do you have things to share or add to my list, please do? The more the merrier. The more information we can put out there the better.  I will continue to harvest more ideas around this as the days and weeks unfold.  

For those that are in a position to help, please help people, offer your time and what resources you can. This is a time to band together, practice impeccable hygiene, be compassionate and remember we are all in this together.  Do not lead in fear…keep being amazing and I am rooting for those that are having a hard time. Please share with someone that you think might benefit from this information as well. I love you!

6 Ways to Stop Wasting Your Summer Slump!

The summer slump is this bizarre time of the year for entrepreneurs. Out of nowhere, business becomes slow. Maybe it’s the sunshine beckoning people to spend less time in fluorescently lit office cubicles drumming up new business and more time on the water. Maybe it’s the association from childhood that summer equates vacation and not work. Maybe it’s just the nature of your business that proceedings slowdown in the summer.

Whatever the reason, you sit smack dab in the middle of the summer slump. When business is slow, you can sit back and catch your breath right?


Now is the time to attack strategic projects. Gain an edge on your competition and decrease your workload in future months when work picks back up. Think of this time as the calm before the storm. Do what you can to get your ship in shape and make your business better suited to weather the upcoming chaos. After all, a peaceful slump can only last so long. Before you know it, the madness will descend again. And you’ll be glad you tackled the following projects.

Update Your Brand’s Digital Presence

Your online presence is often the first impression for potential new customers. Your website, blog, and social media pages can always use some freshening up. Tighten up your website copy to make the text as engaging as possible. Add new testimonials. Upload more engaging product photos. Make sure all your hyperlinks work and each blog post is SEO optimized. These little tweaks help mold a solid impression in the mind of your target audience.

Tackle Your Unorganized Filing System

Organization is a business owner’s best friend. It’s all too easy to stockpile a mishmash of files and documents scattered all over your computer and desk. Find a system that works for you and, once and for all, implement it. The few hours or days it takes to really organize everything will save you so much time down the road.

As you organize, you can also use this time for simple in-house upkeep. Update all your contact information records, get your finances in order for tax season, and so on.

Cultivate Customer Loyalty

In today’s world of mass emails and impersonalized shipping, a little customer love goes a long way. Surprise your current customers to strengthen your relationship and build loyalty. Send a simple free gift, like a coffee gift card or a box of chocolates. Bonus points if you can tie it to your brand (like a bag of dog treats sent by a veterinarian’s office).

Another way to foster customer loyalty is with a customer survey. People love sharing their opinion and really love feeling like their opinion matters. Send a short (five minutes or less) survey to your clients. Show you value their voice (and gain valuable insight on your target audience along the way). 

Test Out New Tools

The advantage of new tools is they can save you time and revolutionize how you do business. The disadvantage of new tools is they often take time to research, test out, and make a decision to implement or not. When your business is busy, you struggle justifying the time it takes to try out different options.

A summer slump is the perfect time to explore tools, like free ones for building your virtual assistant team.

Find Areas to Work Smarter, Not Harder

Efficiency is the name of the game! Take a good hard look at how you manage your employees. Maybe you are not fully taking advantage of your virtual assistant. Maybe your employees could perform significantly better with some new training. Maybe you can shake up how you approach delegation. Pinpoint some areas to evaluate and see if you can implement a shift to work smarter and not harder.

Consider Expansion Options

During a lull is a great time to dream big. Can your company handle some more clients? Can you forge new partnerships? Can you bring on a new staff member, like a virtual assistant, to help you expand? Take some time to reflect on the status quo and where your company is headed. Steer your ship onto a new path of conquering new worlds. Set a new goal and create an action plan to achieve it.

The summer slump is a perfect opportunity for entrepreneur’s bold enough to take advantage of it. At Alpine Small Business Solution, we know the ins and outs of business management. Reach out for a free consultation to see if our strategy and implementation program is right for you!

Mindset Impacts Everything

Mindset impacts everything. Our thoughts, energy and most of all, the actions we take.

More than 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in people’s attitudes about failure. After studying the behavior of thousands of students, Dr. Dweck coined the terms “fixed mindset” and “growth mindset” to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. What is a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset? Glad you asked!

  • Growth Mindset: Intelligence can be developed
  • Fixed Mindset: Intelligence is static; “fixed trait.”


Growth Mindset

  1. Embrace challenges
  2. Persist in the face of setbacks
  3. See effort as the path to mastery
  4. Learn from criticism
  5. Find lessons and inspiration in the success of others

Individuals who believe their talents can be developed (through hard work, good strategies, and input from others.) As a result, they achieve more success because they worry less about looking smart and they put more energy into learning.

Fixed Mindset

  1. Avoid challenges
  2. Give up easily
  3. See effort as fruitless
  4. Ignore useful negative feedback
  5. Feel threatened by the success of others

Those with a fixed mindset spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. Excessive concern with looking smart keeps you from making bold, visionary moves. If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll never learn on the job and your whole approach becomes defensive.


Whether you’re aware of it or not, you keep a running account of what’s happening, what it means, and what you should so. Our minds are constantly monitoring and interpreting. That’s just how we stay on track. Mindset frames the running account of what is taking place. It guides the whole interpretation process.

The fixed mindset creates an internal dialogue that is focused on judging. And people react with feelings of anxiety, depression, or anger. Or superiority. “This means I’m a loser.” “This means I’m a better person than they are.” “This means I’m a bad wife.” “This means my partner is selfish.”

An internal monologue of a growth mindset person is not about judging themselves or others. They listen for learning and constructive action: “What can I learn from this?” “How can I improve?” “How can I help my partner do this better?”

Change Your Mindset

Changing from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset is not like surgery; you can’t remove a fixed mindset and replace it with a growth mindset. You must work on nurturing a positive, growth mindset. These are tips from Dr. Dweck, herself:

  1. Learn to hear your fixed mindset, “voice.”

As you face criticism, you might feel yourself getting angry at the person giving you feedback. The other person might be giving constructive feedback, but you hear “I’m really disappointed in you. I thought you were capable but now I see you’re not.”

  1. Recognize that you have a choice.

How you interpret challenges, setbacks, and criticism is your choice. You can choose to interpret them as signs to ramp up your strategies, stretch yourself and expand your abilities.

  1. Take the growth mindset action.

As you approach a challenge, choose to say: “I think I can learn to with time and effort.” “If I don’t try, I automatically fail.” “If I don’t take responsibility, I can’t fix it. Let me listen and learn what I can.”

Practice hearing both voices, and practice acting on a growth mindset. Nurturing a positive, growth mindset creates profound changes in your personal life and determines your ceiling of success. Your Mind is a garden, your thoughts are the seeds. You can grow flowers, or you can grow weeds.

Need help nurturing that mindset contact me today!

7 Reasons a Hike is Like Starting Your Own Business

I went on a little adventure with my daughter, her friend, my dog and my lover. This cool little adventure took us under roads, through the forest, over creeks, up a mountain, through the snow and into dark tunnels. During this adventure we encountered many obstacles like ice, boulders, fences and downed trees, etc…. This definitely made for some interesting moments that left us on our butts or trying to figure out a way around the hurdle. Each time we fell on the ice we picked ourselves back up, each time we hit a bump or barrier along our path, we figured out a safe way around and/or through. No matter what, we kept going because we knew whatever was around the next corner it was sure to be interesting and beautiful…and it was! It was a great day!

When I came home and reflected on my awesome day it reminded me that my nature infused adventures are similar to my business building experience. While the backdrop is very different the feelings, the emotions and mentality of it was similar.

7 reasons why a hike in nature is similar to starting your own business!

  1. Preparing:

Hiking is a lot like running a businessWhen starting any new adventure you always have some sort of destination in mind.   Preparation is a key component to your journey. For instance, when you go on a day hike you need to be sure to have all the necessities, like water, snacks, proper attire and a fairly clear idea what your route will look like and what your time frame will be.

Building your business is quite similar. You need to have an idea, a business plan, a blueprint and the right tools to help you get to your goal in the timeframe you desire. Evaluate your goals; understand what it takes to start a business not only from a financial stand point, but also from an emotional, mental and physical stand point as well. There is so much heart and soul you will pour into your business and being as prepared as possible is truly in your best interest. Furthermore, educate yourself on the legalities of starting your own business and seek legal and financial consultation should you need it. Sometimes it is easier to work with a professional that can tell you right away the answers you seek, rather than spending weeks trying to figure it out on your own.

  1. Getting Started:Hiking is like business

A journey of a thousand miles (or even just 2 miles) starts with a single step. Building your business is like starting a hike. When you arrive at the trail head you know that there will be many miles between you and your destination. Excitement and sometimes fear will be an emotion you will feel as you embark on the path to your destination. A hike, depending on your level of fitness and how steep the climb is, you will stop to catch your breath or stop to rest your legs.

Your business is no different. You will meet goals, stop to catch your breath, regroup and then keep going. If you are unsure where to start with your business I suggest that you start by carving out time each and every day to work on your business. This can be as simple as doing research on the internet, reading blogs, finding a community online to bounce ideas off of, or seek mentorship and coaching. I also suggest that you invest in this journey and if you are someone that can learn online, purchase a training course that will help you get started. This is nice because it can save you time and also take a lot of guess work out of it for you. Your time is precious, so be sure to seek help where help in needed! Your family and friends will appreciate this too.

  1. Finding Your Buddies and Support System:

A hike is a lot like running your businessNot only is it fun, but it is also super smart to never hike alone. Hiking with friends or family is an enjoyable experience and can help keep you safe. In nature there are many things that could go wrong. Wildlife encounters, inclement weather and even the risk of injury. So having a buddy can lessen the burden should something negative happen. Plus on the fun side, you will build memories together; you can share stories and most importantly someone to encourage you should you feel too tired or weak to keep going.

Here is a little secret, your support system when you are building your business is one of the secret sauces to your success. I can’t express how much you need to have your support system in place when you decide to embark on this epic entrepreneurial journey. Your support system is the people that will pick you up when you have fallen; these are the people who will cheer you on when you feel like giving up. These are the people who will gather around you to celebrate your goals when you have accomplished them. Business is hard, it can be a lonely place with lots of hurdles along the way, but with a support system by your side anything can be possible.

  1. Being Prepared to Weather Any Storm:

Hayman FireIn the mountains of Colorado (where I live) the weather can change in a matter of minutes. It can be sunny and beautiful, then within an hour it could be thunder snowing. You have to be prepared to weather any storm in the mountains. So, as you embark on this epic metaphorical hike of building your business you should remember that the seasons of success will change.

What does seasons of success mean? As counter intuitive as it may sound, success is temporary! But so is failure. As a veteran online business owner that has helped thousands of businesses build their online presence, I have weathered many storms along the way. Every time I feel defeated or elated, I center myself and understand that it is only a temporary feeling.

I share this not to deter you, but rather to prepare you. Success is a crazy rollercoaster and truly is not for the faint of heart. Tenacity pays off. Consistency pays off. Failure pays off. One day you may feel like giving up, another day you may feel like you’re the master of your universe.   Don’t give up; remember the seasons of success will change and every great leader in all industries have experienced it. Remember the master once was the beginner… trust your journey!

  1. Embracing and Enjoying the Journey:

a Hike is Like BusinessNobody said it was going to be easy…they said it would be worth it. Let it be a mountain in front of you or starting your business building journey, one thing is for certain, it will surely be an interesting adventure and journey.

In the fast paced world that we live in we tend to focus on what we lack or do not have, rather than celebrating the things we do. There will be many days you will find yourself focusing how far you have to go or what you have not accomplished yet. You may beat yourself up about the training you still need, or how your website may not operate perfectly or that you don’t have enough social media followers. It is so easy to focus your energy on what you haven’t done that you forget to embrace exactly where you are right now.

The entire journey is worth embracing, everything from the trials and errors, to the huge accomplishments along the way. Each step you take and each twist and turn or achievement that you encounter on this path is put there to either help you grow, help you learn or help you put everything into perspective. Success is by no means a straight line, but rather full of turns, bumps, sharp curves and more. Allowing yourself to embrace its every last drop, is a true gift you can give to yourself, but to say that it comes easy would be a lie, but oh so worth it!

  1. Celebrating Along the Way:

Hiking is Like BusinessWhat is all the hard work without reward? For some the hike to the summit is the reward that they feel is enough, the breathtaking views, the sense of accomplishment, the burn in their calves. Or maybe you have plans to get an amazing meal or a big tasty beer as soon as you return back to town. I remember, I did a huge and brutal 15 mile hike a few years back and I knew that my reward was going to be a gigantic class of ice water when I returned to town. When I got it I was in heaven and cherished every last cold delicious gulp.

It is no different with your business. Celebrate the big wins of course, but also celebrate the small wins too. All those small wins are just as important as that big goal that you accomplished. There is no way you can achieve a huge leap without a series of steps before it (unless you’re super(wo)man). Those steps are just as important as that moment you jump. Those steps before the leap should be celebrated just as much as the leap itself, because they were a huge reason you were able to make the leap to begin with.

With this same metaphor in mind, remember to celebrate all the steps that occur before whatever the big goal is that you plan to celebrate. I think the best advice one of my mentors ever gave me was “Until further notice celebrate everything!” So I give you the same sage advice… and to take it one step further, find something to celebrate every day. It could be you finished a blog you had been working on, or that you got 20 new likes on your Facebook business page, or you actually ate breakfast, or that you got to the gym before you started the day, whatever it might be, celebrate it in your own unique and happy way. Your mind, body, spirit and your family will thank you for it.

  1. Sharing your Adventure:

Sharing your JourneyI know when I finish a hike, just like I did at the beginning of this blog, I looked forward to sharing it on my facebook and instagram pages with my family and friends. How lucky are we that we live in a time that we can do this with a few clicks of a mouse. With the magic of social media it is so much easier to share precious and adventurous moments.

The same mindset should be applied for your business building journey too. Let it all hang out, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Honestly, when I am looking for inspiration in terms of business or my fitness goals, I never want to be shown the sweet and cute parts. I want to relate, I want to connect and have someone tell me “Yes! It is freaking hard sometimes, but keep going”. When you share your business building experience you have the ability to inspire others that maybe feel defeated or just needed a reminder. I promise your adventure will inspire someone else. There is always someone waiting to hear from you…even if they don’t know it yet.

In closing, remember business is very much like an adventure…where it leads us, we aren’t quite sure, but one thing we know it will be worth it. I highly suggest following your Entrepreneurial spirit down that rabbit hole… What you will find will be one of the best adventures of your life.

Remember, the master always started out as a beginner. One foot in front of the other…baby steps! Your story is bound to inspire someone and I hope that my story has inspired you too. Pass it on.

#Entrepreneur #OnlineBusiness

How to Overcome the Debilitating Feeling of Business Burnout

Burnout is a sickening feeling.

It’s like a fog envelops your brain, making it difficult to focus and work. Your muscles tighten up as you enter “fight or flight” mode. Slowly, or suddenly, you feel completely drained (usually at the moment you most need to be alert and high functioning!)

Many of us start to shut down as we feel burnout, becoming less and less effective. Or we double down, trying to push through only to end up a jumbled mess of exhaustion.

There’s a better way. Burnout can be overcome with some positive steps. In fact, burnout can actually be a great thing!

Why You Need to Embrace Burnout

No one wants to feel burnout. But sometimes we need to feel burnout.

Burnout feels awful. Awful enough to be a catalyst for promoting positive change. It can force you to change poor work habits (like working through lunch). Or cause you to reassess your priorities (like too much office time and not enough family time). Or even make you re-evaluate whether your current job or projects are what you should be doing.

If you feel burnout, there is a reason! Pinpointing the source helps you find the best solution (and maybe even some good old self-reflection and positive change making along the way).

Burnout Cause One: Utter Exhaustion

Your brain is fried. You yawn all the time. You drag your tired body to work, pushing through the fatigue only to drag your tired self back home before collapsing on the couch. You know it isn’t sustainable, but how do you stop the grind?

Option One: Exercise
Right now, the last thing you want is to go workout. But that may be exactly what you need. Get your blood flowing (preferably by exercising outside). It can generate enough energy in your body to get a second wind for work. And, it will facilitate a much better night’s sleep, which can help you feel less exhausted the next day.

Option Two: Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy involves inhaling essential oils (liquids from natural extracts like flowers and fruits). The scent interacts with our body, helping to cause benefits like improving your focus and stimulating your brain. One research study found that lavender and rosemary reduces cortisol levels (the hormone released in fight or flight mode that can be a big mental drain). Smelling certain oils can help give you the jolt of energy you need in a healthier way than turning to excessive caffeine.

Option Three: Taking Time Away From Work
Working too many hours and sitting at your desk too long is just setting you up for exhaustion. Make sure you move throughout the day. Even a few minutes stretching or walking around the office each hour can make a big difference in your energy level. Try to always physically leave work for your lunch break. If you struggle to leave work at work, plan a weekend getaway far from wifi.

Burnout Cause Two: Lack of Motivation

Right now, you just cannot seem to get going. It’s like every fibre in your body is pushing against the task at hand. You feel burnout because you feel no motivation for your work.

Option One: Remind Yourself of the Goal
Shift your focus from the task at hand to the end result of completing the task. If you are saving up for a vacation for example, set your desktop photo to the location. Pull up Instagram photos of fellow travelers enjoying their time. Reminding yourself of what you are working towards helps you get motivated to start working.

Option Two: Reflect on Your Expectations
Sometimes our lack of motivation comes because the sake seems insurmountable. No one wants to start on a mission they are doomed to fail. If your output goals are unrealistic, it can lead to burnout. Set better goals to help avoid losing motivation.

Burnout Cause Three: Feeling Overwhelmed

When it rains, it pours. Right now, there is so much going on that you feel exhausted just thinking about it. Too much is demanding your focus and energy until nothing gets done at all (or gets done poorly).

Option One: Write it Down
Sometimes just writing down everything you need can help you feel less overwhelmed. After you list out your to-dos, assign everything a deadline. Make sure you set reasonable goals. Once you get your action plan in place, it will be easier to not waste energy thinking about everything you need to get done. Instead, you can focus on getting it done.
Option Two: Delegate
If you have too much on your plate, clear some of the plate off! Delegation can help give you back your sanity and make your business run smoother.

Option Three: Try Proactive Strategies
Resist the urge to shut down and give up. Instead, try these 5 strategies for when you feel overwhelmed in business and in life.

Option Four: Examine Why You are Overwhelmed
Try to get at the root cause. Are you not feeling competent? Take some online classes or get guidance from a mentor. Are you feeling like there are not enough hours in the day? Try to jumpstart your productivity or delegate. Identifying what triggers feelings of being overwhelmed can help you prevent them in the future.

Burnout is exhausting. It can even be debilitating! But with some proactive steps, you can come out the other side. You CAN get everything done WITHOUT losing your sanity. If you can use a little extra help with managing your business, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We offer services and coaching to help you feel confident and in control with your entrepreneurial life. Just give us a call or shoot us an email today.

10 Actions You Can Take To Help You Prepared Should The Unexpected Happen

My business is my baby. I nurtured it through many struggles, successes, and interesting times. But what happens when you can’t nurture business? What happens to your business, your clients, etc., when the unexpected happens? Getting a plan in place is so important to the success and legacy of your business.

Let me tell you a couple quick stories about how having a plan for the unexpected saved my sanity and my business.


In 2013 on Halloween morning, my mother passed away from cancer. Like many that lost their battle, her cancer journey was awful and long. Being an only child, I was the only one other than my dad who cared for my mom. All our family lived out of state, so the responsibility of the devastation of her cancer weighed heavy on my father and me. Between doctors’ appointments, meal prep, physical therapies, and other tasks, caring for my mom was almost a full time job (not to mention the time I carved out to just sit and be with her so we could spend quality time together). My time was split very thin between my dying mother, my two young daughters, and my growing business . . . as well as all my other relationships with friends and my father. My mother was constantly in and out of the hospital, and there were countless crazy times that required me to drop everything and rush to her side. During this time, my focus was solely on healing and helping my mother. She was the most important thing to me, so my business had to come second . . . third . . . fourth to the more important things in my life which was my family.

11752535_10153383594025630_1500405601982719597_nIn July of 2015, I was at a peak in my business, but something unthinkable happened. Unlike my mother’s slow and prolonged illness, this tragedy hit me hard, fast and I was completely blindsided. It was a beautiful summer day and like I often did, I went and enjoyed some live bluegrass music with my two daughters and their friends at this quaint outdoor area. The kiddos didn’t want to listen to the entire set list of music and they asked if they could go and record a short movie instead. They are an artistic bunch and often made short films on their cell phones. I said yes as long as they stayed close. They stayed very close, but that didn’t matter because things can happen and change your life in a blink of an eye. My older daughter had an extremely hard fall and experienced a life threatening head injury that required her to be airlifted to Children’s hospital. We spent two days in the ICU and about a week in the hospital, followed by many doctors’ appointments scattered across town. I am happy to report she is okay today, but during those weeks after her injury my focus was on healing and helping my daughter. She was the most important thing to me, so my business again had to come second . . . third . . . fourth to the more important things in my life.

If I lacked a plan for the unexpected, my business surely would have failed (and as a result I would have fallen onto even harder times beyond the tragedies that hit my life). Here are 10 actions to take to be prepared should the unexpected happen to you, your family, or friends.

  1. Foster authentic relationships with clients. Always work to create an open and honest relationship with your client. Laying the foundation for solid relationships not only makes it businessmen-948021__180easier to do business, but makes it easier to be transparent with them if a crisis occurs and you need to renegotiate timelines or contracts. I am blessed with amazing clients that understood life happens, and they were super supportive. When you’re authentic with clients, they will often be understanding and supportive in return. People understand life and shit happens, and being real will gain you more flexibility, trust, and respect with your clients in the long run.
  2. Build a crisis team. You’ll want go-to people (or a go-to person, if your business is smaller) that you can confidently delegate to during a time of distress. Make sure your crisis team is equipped with the knowledge, resources, and personality traits to handle being in charge of projects in your absence. Talk over your expectations and their responsibilities to ensure everyone is on the same page long before a crisis occurs.
  3. Create a guide book to your business. Create a business Wiki or process manual that can serve as the “bible” for your business. Clearly outline how to complete various tasks (more detail is always better). When applicable, include screenshots to help visual learners. You’ll want to cover everything anyone might need to do, both the strategic and mundane. Remember it’s much better to put too much information than not enough. Whoever is in your crisis team will need to reference it to accomplish tasks they aren’t used to doing, so make sure they have all the information they need at their fingertips.
  4. Make business passwords easily accessible. Not only does your crisis team need to know how to handle various tasks, they need to know the passwords to access the technology to achieve those tasks. I recommend Lastpass, which allows you to easily share needed passwords with your team in a secure manner.
  5. Invest in a laptop. A laptop offers you incredible flexibility. During my difficult times, I was laptop-762548__180able to do some work away from the home office. While I wasn’t as productive as I was working in the office, I was still able to work some. It’s important not to allow your work to take you away from precious time with family. However, working some during a crisis can be really helpful. It gives you feelings of control and accomplishment to get work done, and can provide a temporary distraction from what you’re dealing with (which can give your heart and brain a much needed break).
  6. Be organized. Every important document should be in one place to make it easier on your staff. I use Dropbox and give access to my team and clients. That way, my team won’t have to search through multiple online and physical locations to find what they are looking for. You can also be organized with your method of contact. Use your forwarding call feature from your business line to your cell phone or your team.
  7. Do a test run. You can plan a solid strategy, but there’s bound to be kinks and hurdles to overcome. A test run will help you discover what areas need to be fixed to get to the smoothest transition during a crisis as possible. Coordinate with your team a day (or preferably a few days) where you simulate your absence due to a crisis. Remove yourself from the office, and only communicate with your staff as much as you think you would during a crisis. This will help everyone see what needs to be adjusted and improved, which makes you better prepared for an actual crisis.
  8. Invest in disability insurance. Disability insurance is helpful in case you get hurt and can’t work. This will help protect you financially if you are unable to work for any extended period due to an injury.
  9. Add a legacy contact in Facebook. In the event of death, your Facebook account can be facebook-box-1334052__180memorialized and serve as a place for loved ones to share memories. A legacy contact is a designated person who can write a pinned post for the profile (such as a message on your behalf or memorial service information), respond to new friend requests, and update your profile picture and cover photo. They can also download a copy of what you’ve shared on Facebook. To add a legacy contact (

Click crisis  in the top right of Facebook and select Settings

In the left menu, click Security

Click Legacy Contact

Type in a friend’s name and click Add

To let your friend know they’re now your legacy contact, click Send

  1. Take care of yourself. Exercise consistently, maintain a healthy diet, get regular massages, do what you need to make yourself as healthy as possible. This will prevent illness and improve recovery time in the event you do get sick or injured.

While it’s difficult to think about life crisis and death, it’s important to. Creating a plan to deal with a crisis can make a huge difference in how your business, and you, make it through the crisis. I guarantee it’s worth the time and effort to put a plan in place-it will provide you huge piece of mind for the future.