About Jessica

Jessica Granish

The Wizard Behind the Curtain, Tech and Marketing Integrator

Meet Jessica Granish, a heart-centered trailblazer in the dynamic intersection of tech, marketing, and systems integration.

Over the course of two decades, Jessica has honed her expertise in weaving together the intricate threads of technology and marketing strategies. Her keen understanding of systems integration has not only made her a pioneer of the industry, but also a transformative force in reshaping how businesses operate in the digital age.

Whether it's optimizing SEO strategies, orchestrating seamless systems, or crafting compelling marketing campaigns, Jessica Granish is your partner in unlocking the full potential of the dynamic intersection where tech, marketing, and systems integration meet.  Some call her a unicorn, and she is, indeed, the wizard behind the curtain,  pulling everything together for her clients to be seen and heard online in the most optimized way. 

Her magic is not just about connection and conversion; it's about cultivating a compelling online presence that captivates, converts, and fosters meaningful engagement and relationships.

Heart & Soul Alchemy: Unveiling Jessica's Unique Magic

What sets Jessica apart is her ability to see beyond individual components and envision the holistic synergy of tech, marketing, and efficient systems. Her expertise is not just accredited; it's earned through the school of experience and hard knocks, making her a trusted guide in this ever-evolving landscape.

Jessica Stands out not only because of her her visionary approach but also her heart-centeredness. She finds joy in partnering with people, becoming an integral part of their growth. It's this excitement for collaboration that fuels her entrepreneurial spirit.

Beyond her tech magic, Jessica is a devoted mother to two daughters and a dog mom as well, calling the vibrant landscapes of Colorado home. Her love for music, the outdoors, gardening, and travel adds a colorful dimension to her dynamic journey and play.

Beyond the Bio: Jessica Unplugged

Family Maven: Jessica successfully raised two daughters as a single mom, guiding them to college. Now navigating the unique journey of empty nesting.

Melodic Adventurer: Her playlist is a diverse mix, featuring classics like the Beatles, Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, and the energetic vibes of the Beastie Boys,

Nostalgic Movie Buff: Jessica's favorite childhood movies include the timeless classics Princess Bride, Labyrinth, and Dark Crystal.

Concert Aficionado: A lover of live music, Jessica's favorite venue is the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheatre. And has been to over 300+ concerts worldwide.

Literary Explorer: Currently delving into Simon Sinek's "Start with Why," reflecting and understanding the deeper motivations behind actions and WHY she does what she does.

Mandolin Maestro in the Making: Jessica is currently on a musical journey, learning how to play the mandolin, showcasing her ongoing passion for exploring new skills and hobbies.