Candyce McArthur

More About Candyce

Candyce is blessed with gorgeous weather and a stunning landscapte that she is compelled to take advantage of year-round and feels it would be a crime to not get out there. She just started kayaking and loves bike riding, hiking, swimming, softball, and tennis (although she doesn’t think she is too great at tennis).

She compares herself to a sponge because she is always learning and absorbing new information and experiences. With social media and graphic design there are always new technologies and techniques one must stay on top of to be successful, so she finds herself learning everyday. She takes classes and watches tutorials on websites such as Skillshare and YouTube and is always trying to make herself better.

She doesn’t find much time to read any novels, but does find herself reading the news on her iPad.


  • Candyce is passionate about her food, family, and the arts.  Those three categories encompass who she is and who she strives to be, always putting her family and friends first.
  • She is a foodie, who enjoys new flavor combinations  and trying new restaurants. Candyce loves to cook.
  • Candayce confesses to being horrible at updating her iPod playlist because she tends to just listen to music on the Internet while she works. She has a hard time picking a favorite, but she likes to listen to house music, Hip Hop, and drum and bass. Right now, she is really loving Disclosure.
  • Candyce’s favorite childhood movie is a tie between Alice in Wonderland, Hook, and The Goonies. Although those are her favorite, she is a sucker for anything Disney.