Tag Archives: sales

Start Now! 9 Holiday Marketing Tactics

With barely a fall crisp in the air, it may seem odd to be thinking about winter holidays months away. But with up to 30% of sales occurring in the holiday season, it’s not an opportunity to take lightly. Effective holiday marketing requires months of planning, and you can begin now with these tactics.

  1. Check the speed of your website. Slow loading pages frustrate customers, and can result in a loss of a sale. Plug your url into https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ to see your speed, and how you can improve it.
  2. holiday-ball-of-lightsEnsure your website is mobile friendly. Busy shoppers purchase on their phone. A difficult to use app will lose you customers faster than people lose their diet resolutions at the company holiday party. Plug your url into https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/ to gauge its mobile friendliness.
  3. See what worked previously. Go over marketing and sales data from previous holiday campaigns. Identify what resonated with your audience, what marketing channels saw the highest ROI, etc. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel; you can build on your previous success and learn from previous mistakes.
  4. Make a creative holiday campaign. You want your company to be remembered by frazzled shoppers as they dart around the city searching for gifts. A memorable campaign can keep you on their minds, and get you on their shopping destinations list. Check out these holiday marketing campaigns (http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/holiday-marketing-campaign-examples#sm.00007s6law3dnda8x8c1f2gas6ea9 ) for creative inspiration.
  5. merry-screenPick a season’s greetings. Some audiences are offended with the use of “Merry Christmas” while others are equally offended by the lack of “Merry Christmas.” Know which greetings best suit your brand and your target audience. “Happy Holidays” is a safe bet since it recognizes the numerous celebrations.
  6. Create holiday specific designs. Your holiday marketing strategy is different than your typical sales strategy, and your images should reflect that. Canva is a great free site allowing you to design stunning holiday themed graphics.
  7. Clearly communicate shipping and order-by dates. No one buys a present thinking “I sure hope this comes after Christmas!” Clearly communicate on your site when customers need to order by for guaranteed arrival by Christmas.
  8. Host a holiday event. A bookstore can host a holiday children’s book reading with santa-bookSanta. An art supply store can organize a holiday card decorating workshop. Any store can throw a holiday party with a tree lighting and carol singing. Make a fun event, ideally connected to your business, to draw people to your store. They’ll be reminded of your great selection, which hopefully will get them thinking about crossing items off their shopping list with your products.
  9. Design a gift catalogue. Suggest products/services for everyone on your customers list (grandma will love…what kid wouldn’t love…and so on). Sometimes a tailored suggestion is the simple push a customer needs to make the purchase. It’s an effective email marketing tactic that appears less promotional to customers.

Holiday marketing is a crucial sales strategy for small businesses. If you’d like help creating or managing a marketing campaign, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We’re ready to assist with this or any aspect of business building. Reach out with an email or phone call today.

And better yet, if you have some great ideas, make sure you comment on what has worked and hasn’t worked to share with others.

Why A Tripwire Is Just What Your Marketing Plan Needs

Ready to turn more leads into customers (and really, who isn’t?) Then you need to implement a tripwire into your marketing plan.

A tripwire is simply an enticing low-risk offer that provides low cost entry into your sales funnel. Leads and prospects are immediately turned into customers. These customers can then be turned into repeat customers through strategic upselling. And the best part? Customers who buy once are more likely to buy again…you just have to get that first sale.

The Psychology Behind Tripwire’s Effectiveness

sales1Tripwires utilize the persuasion principle of consistency. People have a need to rationalize their behavior as consistent, whether they are aware of its impact on their decisions or not. After they agree to a small request, they become more likely to agree to a similar but larger request. They start to feel safe with your company and products. It’s why you may find yourself picking your friend up from the airport a few weeks after you agreed to pick him up for a social outing. As long as the second larger request is similar in nature to the first smaller request, it’s likely individuals will comply.

So let’s apply this to sales. Buyer Bob buys a low priced guide to optimizing blog posts for SEO from a marketing business. A week later, they receive information on a thorough content marketing course. Because Buyer Bob already purchased the tripwire (the smaller request), he is more likely to purchase the service (the larger request).

The Components of a Tripwire

A tripwire needs to be enticing. Your buyer has a problem and is looking for a solution. You need to offer value to help ease her pain point. Leads should look at your tripwire offer and see how it’s perfectly tailored to meet their need, and how they can’t pass up this great resource.

sales2A tripwire also needs to be low risk. It’s great if a costly service meets the need of your leads, but if you can break that service in to something more low-risk for the buyer, they can dip their toes in the water before dunking their heads. The cost needs to be low to kickstart the lead-turning-into-a-customer process. A tripwire sale ideally is $20 or less (more if your services and products are on the high end of pricing). Rarely does a sale of a tripwire result in a profit (and can even show as a loss), but the value in a tripwire sale isn’t in the immediate financial gain, but it’s ability to form a foundation for an upsell. Many marketers think of this more as paying for a lead.

A small upfront cost usually works better than a free offer. This shows your leads are good and serious about what they need. People often question the quality of a free offer, while they view a lower priced product as a quality item on sale.

Making a Tripwire Sale

Begin by creating the tripwire, which meets the needs of Buyer Bob related to the larger product/service you’re wanting to sell. Find their pain point and how you can solve it. The tripwire can be physical or digital. You can sell a product/service that stands alone (a health food store selling a cookbook hoping to upsell high-end kitchen appliances) or use a fragment of your product/service (a yoga teacher selling a lesson from her course hoping to upsell the entire course).

Once you’ve got your tripwire, pitch the sale to leads. After the leads purchase the tripwire, you can either make the upsell pitch immediately or wait a set amount of time. salesWhichever way you choose the important piece is to follow up. You have a hot buyer…check in when him. Certain tripwires are set up well for an immediate pitch (while you’re buying this dog teeth cleaning, get your dog groomed and covered with flea and tick prevention at the same visit). Others work better as a follow-up (now that you’ve completed our first course, sign-up for the entire program). Find what meets your sale best.

Not all tripwire sales will result in repeating customers, just like not all lead pitches result in sales. The key is focusing on leads with the best possibility of converting from a tripwire sale to an upsale. You’ll be surprised, though, at how effective tripwires can be in creating new and lasting customers. This is where you are starting to build that bond with customers. Make them love you from the start and create a brand evangelist.

If you’re ready to implement tripwire sales into your marketing plan, but could use some guidance, we’re here for you! We can assist with any aspect of business building and strategy, including creating and marketing effective tripwire sales. Simply shoot us an email or give us a call today.


What Is a Sales Funnel and Why You Need to Apply It to Your Business Today

For businesses, sales are the foundation on which everything is based. Without a product or service to sell, your organization wouldn’t exist! An effective sales strategy is crucial to the survival (and hopefully thriving) of your organization, and guess what; a great tool to help is a sales funnel.

The Idea Behind the Sales Funnel

1397585A sales funnel is an analogy used to explain how the sales process works. It serves as a visual representation of how an individual moves from knowing nothing about your organization to becoming a loyal customer and hopefully brand evangelist for you. The mindset of a sales funnel views sales as a proactive process of making customers (as opposed to the more passive process of finding customers). The underlying goal of the sales funnel is to convert those who are unaware of your organization to happy customers by finding as many quality leads as possible and getting the percentage of people who go through the funnel as high as possible.

The Stages of the Sales Funnel

Many different takes on the sales funnel exist, but this is the simplest and (I think) most effective way of viewing it.

  1. The lead: The sales funnel begins with individuals who are in your target audience. They may be interested in what you offer, but have no contact yet with your organization and are unaware of what your organization offers. This part of the funnel is the largest, so it’s important to utilize a variety of effective lead-gathering strategies. You just have to show them how you can solve a problem for them…maybe one they didn’t even know they had!
  2. The prospect: At this stage, you’ve made contact with the individuals. They are aware of your organization and how you can meet their needs. They’ve expressed some interest in your organization that merits you pursuing these potential customers. Often times, prospects are simultaneously evaluating their other options, so it’s important to clearly showcase what sets your organization apart from your competitors.
  3. The committed: After all your hard work and negotiations, these individuals are now persuaded. They possess the means and desire to purchase your product/service, and all that’s left is working out the logistical details, such as a contract. Individuals at this stage can still back out though, so proactive effort into quality customer service is needed to prevent them leaving.
  4. The customer: Finally! These individuals happily buy your product/service and become a customer. In situations where contracts need to be renewed or purchases made again, the customer will enter a re-evaluation phase. In some respects, they become a prospect again since they can now evaluate their other options. Effective customer service will minimize the amount of time and effort they spend weighing alternatives, and ideally they will be such a satisfied customer that they renew the contract or buy more of your product right away. Remember, it is much easier to have a repeat customer than generate a whole new lead. Keep those customers happy. If you have a good customer base, they will become your cheerleaders. You know what that means…FREE MARKETING!

Reasons to Utilize the Sales Funnel

  1. It’s an effective measurement tool. Sales funnels allow you to measure the number of individuals at each stage, the percent of customers made from leads, and the average time it takes to move a customer down the funnel. Gathering these metrics provides you with a more holistic method of comparison to gauge successful sales efforts than just sales completed. After enough time using the sales funnel, you’ll be able to see a baseline of what you can expect from your sales team. Deviations from this baseline will show you what works well or what needs to be improved in your sales strategy.
  2. It’s a tool to measure the company’s health. A well-flowing sales funnel (accounting for external influences like the economy or the off-season of selling, of course) reflects an effective sales team and strategy. A sales funnel functioning well shows your company is doing well. A sales funnel functioning poorly can be an indicator that changes need to be made to improve the health of the organization.
  3. It showcases what areas need to be targeted to get adequate numbers. Ideally, the numbers will always be high at every phase. The reality, however, is that the numbers fluctuate often. Using a sales funnel highlights areas that should be targeted to get the numbers to where they need to be for effective customer recruitment. If you see you’re lacking leads, you can put more resources into lead generation. If you see you have enough leads but not enough are becoming prospects or committed, you can put more resources into bettering your pitch. If you see enough customers aren’t returning when contracts need to be renewed, you can put more resources into customer service.

A sales funnel is a great way to improve the effectiveness of your organization’s sales strategy as well as improve your system. Want help in implementing the sales funnel into your sales strategy? Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We would love to help with this (or any aspect of business building). Simply email or call us today.