Tag Archives: Virtual Assistant

Why Marketing and Tech are Better Together: The Role of a Tech & Marketing Manager

In today’s digital age, technology has become an integral part of marketing efforts. As such, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to have a Tech & Marketing Manager on their team. This is because a Tech & Marketing Manager possesses a unique set of skills that can help businesses to leverage technology to enhance their marketing efforts and drive growth. In this blog, we’ll explore why a Tech & Marketing Manager is what a company needs and why.

What is a Tech & Marketing Manager?

A Tech & Marketing Manager is a marketing professional with a strong technical background. They possess both marketing and technical skills, which allows them to develop and execute marketing strategies that incorporate digital technologies. They specialize in leveraging technology to enhance marketing efforts and create more effective campaigns. This can include managing website content, developing email marketing campaigns, and utilizing social media platforms. A Tech & Marketing Manager is responsible for driving brand awareness, generating leads, and increasing sales revenue through digital channels.

Why does a company need a Tech & Marketing Manager?

Technical expertise

One of the primary reasons why a company needs a Tech & Marketing Manager is for their technical expertise. A Tech & Marketing Manager possesses a deep understanding of technology and how it can be used to enhance marketing efforts. They are knowledgeable about various digital tools, such as marketing automation platforms, email marketing software, and social media management tools. With this expertise, they can effectively use these tools to streamline marketing processes, optimize campaigns, and generate higher returns on investment.

Improved efficiency

Another reason why a company needs a Tech & Marketing Manager is for improved efficiency. With their technical skills, a Tech & Marketing Manager can automate various marketing processes, such as email marketing campaigns, social media posting, and lead nurturing. This automation allows for greater efficiency and saves time and resources, enabling the marketing team to focus on other critical tasks, such as content creation and campaign analysis.

Targeted audience reach

Ah, the Tech & Marketing Manager – the elusive unicorn of the marketing world. With their unique blend of marketing and tech skills, they are the magical beings that can bring a company’s marketing efforts to the next level. So, why do you need one? Well, let me break it down for you.

A Tech & Marketing Manager can also help a company to reach its target audience more effectively. They are skilled in using digital tools to identify and segment audiences based on demographics, behaviors, and interests. This enables the marketing team to create targeted campaigns that resonate with specific groups of people. By using digital tools to understand the behavior of the target audience, Tech & Marketing Managers can craft campaigns that are more likely to convert prospects into customers.

Greater ROI

In addition to improved efficiency and targeted audience reach, a Tech & Marketing Manager can also help a company to generate a greater return on investment (ROI). They are able to measure and analyze marketing metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, and conversion rates, to determine the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. With this information, they can adjust marketing efforts accordingly to optimize results and increase ROI.

In today’s digital landscape, businesses need to embrace technology to enhance their marketing efforts and drive growth. A Tech & Marketing Manager possesses the technical expertise, efficiency, audience reach, ROI, and innovation that a company needs to stay ahead of the competition. By leveraging digital tools and insights, a Tech & Marketing Manager can help businesses to optimize their marketing efforts, engage with target audiences more effectively, and generate higher returns on investment. Therefore, it’s clear that a Tech & Marketing Manager is an essential asset for any company that wants to succeed in the modern business landscape.


Finally, a Tech & Marketing Manager can bring innovation to a company’s marketing efforts. By staying up-to-date with the latest technology and marketing trends, they can introduce new and creative strategies that can set a company apart from its competitors. This can include new methods for engaging with customers, innovative campaign ideas, and creative uses of data and analytics to inform marketing decisions.

Why Hire a Tech and Marketing Manager?

First and foremost, a Tech & Marketing Manager can help your company navigate the ever-changing landscape of marketing technology. Let’s face it, the marketing tech world is a bit of a circus. There are so many tools, platforms, and apps out there that it can make your head spin. But fear not, a Tech & Marketing Manager can help you cut through the noise and find the tools that will make the biggest impact on your marketing efforts.

In addition to helping you find the right tools, a Tech & Marketing Manager can also help you use them effectively. I mean, what good is a shiny new marketing tool if you don’t know how to use it? A Tech & Marketing Manager can train your team on how to use the tools properly, so you can get the most out of them. Plus, they can help you integrate the tools into your existing workflows and processes, so you can work smarter, not harder.

But wait, there’s more! A Tech & Marketing Manager can also help you measure the impact of your marketing efforts. You know that old saying, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”? Well, it’s true. And a Tech & Marketing Manager can help you measure everything. From website traffic to social media engagement to email open rates, they can help you track it all. And not only that, but they can also help you interpret the data and make informed decisions about how to optimize your marketing efforts.

But perhaps the most valuable thing a Tech & Marketing Manager can bring to the table is their ability to speak both marketing and tech fluently. Let’s face it, marketing folks and tech folks don’t always speak the same language. Marketing folks are all about the creative, while tech folks are all about the data. But a Tech & Marketing Manager can bridge that gap and help everyone get on the same page. They can translate marketing-speak into tech-speak and vice versa, so everyone can understand what’s going on.

And let’s not forget about the innovation factor. A Tech & Marketing Manager is like a mad scientist, always tinkering with new ideas and ways to make your marketing efforts more effective. They’re always on the lookout for the next big thing, whether it’s a new platform or a new way of doing things. And they’re not afraid to experiment and take risks. After all, that’s where innovation comes from – taking risks and trying new things.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Wow, a Tech & Marketing Manager sounds too good to be true. Do they really exist?” Yes, they do! But like all unicorns, they’re a rare breed. They’re not just marketers who know a little bit about tech or tech folks who know a little bit about marketing. They’re a special breed that combines the best of both worlds.

So, why should you invest in a Tech & Marketing Manager? Well, they can help you cut through the marketing tech circus, use your tools effectively, measure your impact, bridge the marketing-tech language barrier, and drive innovation. They’re like a one-stop-shop for all things marketing and tech. Plus, they’re just really cool people to have on your team.

In conclusion, if you want to take your marketing efforts to the next level, you need a Tech & Marketing Manager. They’re like the missing puzzle piece that makes everything fit together perfectly. So go ahead, take the leap, and invest in a Tech & Marketing Manager. Your marketing efforts.

If this is something  you are interested in learning more about, we would be happy to chat. We have limited spots available, but go ahead and book a free no strings attached strategy call with us today while spots are still available

The Ultimate List of Delegation Do’s and Don’ts

Delegation is another one of those entrepreneur buzzwords that people love or hate. Those who mastered the delicate art of delegation sing its praises. Others shudder when they think of delegation, either because of a terrible experience or because they can’t imagine it actually working for them.

Here’s the thing. Delegation is great for anyone in any situation. Delegation is a powerful tool for freeing up your time and energy, finding someone better suited for the task at hand, and using your company’s limited resources better. It is often the first step in major growth for your business.

Of course, delegating for the first time can be nerve wracking. But, you have a lot of control over the end result with how you delegate. Follow these delegation do’s and don’ts for a positive (and quite possibly life-changing) delegation experience.

Delegation Do’s

  • Do Articulate Priorities. If your employee must choose between making the deadline or taking a bit more time to submit a quality project, which do they choose? Is the underlying goal of the delegation to train the employee to take over the task (so they should bring any questions to you to learn the correct process the first time around)? Or is it to free up your time (so they should work on trying to fix the problem on their own first)? Your employee will need to make decisions regarding communication, time commitment, etc. Making sure they understand your priorities will help them work for you better.
  • Do Create Guidelines. Be sure the employee knows their expected time and effort commitment. You don’t want to be caught off guard discovering the employee spent several hours on a task you expected to take thirty minutes. Establish clear boundaries for how long they should work on this project in relation to their other normal duties. Set guidelines as well on the line of communication. If your employee has questions, do they go directly to you? Is there a chain of command they should follow? When (if ever) is it appropriate to contact you outside of office hours regarding the project? Communicate expectations clearly from the start to avoid misunderstandings or lost time.
  • Do Provide Support. The sink or swim strategy is not a great leadership approach. Do what you can to empower your employee to succeed. Provide examples of the task or comparable work. Gather up all the login information into one place. Check in at certain points to see how they are doing and provide opportunity for them to ask you questions. Giving this support helps set up the employee for success.
  • Do Let the Employee Feel Comfortable Saying No. We may think the employee is ready for greater responsibility. But, if they genuinely do not feel ready it may be a bad experience for them. Try to build up their confidence and remind them that you feel they are ready. If that fails and they still are uncomfortable at the thought of the project, find a new employee. It is not worth the anxiety it will cause your original pick.
  • Do Discuss the Experience After They Finish. Take a few minutes to talk with the employee about how things went. See if there is anything you could have done differently to make the experience better. Ask if they are comfortable doing the task again. If the employee made mistakes, use this time as a learning opportunity to gently guide them. Finally, thank them for their work and find something to praise about their output.

Delegation Don’ts

  • Don’t Micromanage. The purpose of delegation is for you to no longer deal with the project! Even if this assignment is a training opportunity, you still need to provide your employee with enough space to learn on their own. Employees know when their boss does not trust them, which can really undermine their confidence in their own ability. Showcase your belief in your employee by taking your hands off the reins, and keeping them off.
  • Don’t Underestimate the Project’s Timeline. When giving your employee a deadline, be cautious about underestimating the length of time the project will take. It may only take you a week, but your employee may need to do outside research adding a day or two. Or maybe your employee hits some unexpected roadblocks, requiring you to take the time to provide guidance or assistance. Always estimate more time to provide a buffer in case things don’t go as smoothly as planned.
  • Don’t Delegate What You Should Be Doing. Yes, everyone can and should delegate tasks. But not every task can and should be delegated. Some tasks do require your expertise or insight. Be selective in what you delegate, keeping the important tasks on your to-do list.
  • Don’t Delegate Because You Hate the Project. No one likes the boss who uses delegation to avoid doing unpleasant tasks. Good leadership means being willing to do the menial, the unappealing, and aggravating tasks for the good of the business. Delegation is about making your company more efficient. Passing off tasks because you hate them, not because someone else should be doing them, is a bad management strategy. It’s tempting, but your employees will lose respect for you if you do it.

You can make or break your delegation experience. Implementing the “dos” and avoiding the “don’ts” prepares you and your employee for a mutually beneficial experience. Your employee can learn or hone their skills while you get to remove something from your plate. If you are new to delegating, you can start off small. You will be surprised at how useful a tactic it can be in managing your business!

How to Set Work Hours Working From Home

The ability to design your own work schedule is a double-edged sword. It’s great not feeling chained to your desk for the arbitrary 9-5 grind.

But it’s also easy to avoid ever setting a schedule. Before you know it, you’re always either working or thinking about work. It’s increasingly difficult to leave work at work. Projects that could be done in an hour end up taking longer.

The irony of the “I don’t need to abide by a set schedule” life is that we often function better when we create a schedule.

The Benefit of Setting Work Hours

Many work-from-home individuals resist setting work hours like the plague. One huge appeal of being your own boss is the freedom that comes with control over your schedule right?

But the reality of failing to set work hours tells a different story. Not sticking to a work schedule ends up hurting you in the long wrong in different ways.

  1. It’s hard to leave work at work. When work stops at 5, it’s easier to stop thinking about work at 5. When there is no firm end to the work day, it’s so much harder to transition from “work mode” to “living your life mode.” You feel guilty watching TV and wonder if you should go get that one article done. You daydream thinking of your to-do list. You always feel “on,” making it difficult to give yourself the rest you need.
  2. You waste precious mental energy. Each day you wake up without a firm schedule. Each day, you waste time and energy deciding how much you will work and when. It’s the element of decision fatigue. The more decisions we make each day, the more drained we become. It’s why superstars like Steve Jobs wore the same outfit every day. One less decision to make meant a bit more energy for more important matters.
  3. Tasks take longer than they should. Parkinson’s Law basically states however long a task can take is usually how long it will. Maybe you wake up and know, if needed, you could log a 10-hour day today to get that big project done. What ends up happening? You tend to work that 10-hour day. The beauty of the set work schedule is work is only allowed to fill those hours. Usually, everything always gets done.

These problems can be tackled (or at least minimized) by setting a consistent work schedule. The initial constraint of work hours ends up giving you more free time and freedom to enjoy your time outside work guilt free.

Setting an Optimized Work Schedule

Here is where you get to enjoy the freedom of being your own boss. Maybe your peak creativity hours are early morning and early evening. In the middle of the day, you suffer from the afternoon slump. So work in the peak hours and go workout or run errands when your brain power dips.

A work schedule does not mean you must bow down at the altar of the 9-5 work week. Those hours are not ideal anyway! In fact, with the right productivity tactics you may get 8 hours of work done in 7 or 6. All a work schedule means is setting strict work hours and strict non-work hours. If you can accomplish you work between 10-4, that’s great!

You can even set a different work schedule for different days of the week. Maybe you are a work-from-home parent taking advantage of a babysitting co-op. On Tuesday mornings, you get to wrangle the group’s kiddos to the library activity. So on Tuesdays, your work day starts a few hours later.

It doesn’t matter what type of schedule you make. What matters is knowing going into the day which hours you work. Designated work hours protect your “non-work” time.

Once you create a schedule, protect it fiercely. Don’t check your email outside of work hours. Let your clients know what hours they can expect to reach you by phone…and don’t pick up if it’s outside of those (or work into your contract it’s a $75 fee every time they do). When you are done for the day, be done. Don’t fall into the trap of well I could get one more thing done. Allow yourself to rest and relax!

Working from home can be the ideal set up. Setting optimized work hours helps you be the ideal worker and live a balanced life. It’s a win-win!

If you want assistance on setting hours that work for you or need help getting all your work done in the allotted time, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! Just give us a call or shoot us an email to get started.


7 Mistakes Small Business Owners Make Every Day

Today is the most important day for your business. Why? What you achieve today impacts what you can accomplish tomorrow, next month, five years from now. In our fast-paced business world, it’s easy for our days to blur together. Too often we cultivate bad daily habits without even realizing it. But these little bad habits add up to impactful shifts in our success down the road.

Many of us are guilty of the following daily mistakes of small business owners. Taking the time to identify, and then correct, these mistakes helps empower you to achieve your full potential. And what business owner doesn’t want that?

  1. Not Prioritizing Your Own Health

Notice I didn’t say “value your own health” or “take care of your own health.” You need to prioritize your health because it is the best way to prioritize your business!

Your body is remarkably like a machine. Optimal performance requires quality fuel, proper maintenance, and adequate rest. Skimp out on one of these areas and the performance suffers.

Many of us buy into this workaholic American mentality. You slaved away at the office for 60 hours this week? Gold star for you! You worked through lunch? Gold star for you! You stayed up all night working on a presentation and gulped down four coffees to make it through the day? Gold star for you!

Stop it with these gold stars. The best entrepreneurs know your health should be a bigger priority than your business. Taking care of your health leads to being more effective and efficient as you work, maintaining better work-life balance, and being all around happier. Think of it as the ultimate productivity hack. Hit the gym, bring healthy lunches to work, and turn off the screens an hour before bed. A few weeks of healthy habits and you’ll be amazed at your increased work output.

  1. Not Posting to Social Media Daily

Social media for businesses is not a spectator sport. Either you are all in. Or you don’t enter the game at all.

Granted, all in does not need to mean several hours a day online or a disproportionate chunk of your marketing budget. But posting to Facebook once a week and never keeping up with the always changing marketing trends is not going to cut it.

Take some time to choose the best one to three platforms for your business (more if you are a large business with more marketing resources). Dedicate the necessary time to get these platforms thriving. While most businesses opt for the traditional Facebook and Twitter platforms, consider alternatives like Google+ and Facebook and LinkedIn Groups. These offer unique marketing benefits most marketers fail to take advantage of.

  1. Failing to Organize

Is your desktop scattered with documents and folders? Is your desk overrun with papers and packets? Does it take you more than 15 seconds to locate any given document?

It’s time for improved organization. To many entrepreneurs, organization can seem like a luxury. Who has time to look for (and then implement) the best organizational system? But the longer you go without one, the more time you waste searching for that one filed buried under desktop folder after desktop folder.

Take some time to actually implement a thorough organizational system. Then be sure to stick to it every day. Always put digital or physical files in their correct location with the correct labeling. Deal with any papers dropped on your desk right away. Don’t save to your desk drive or let stacks pile up on your desk. Every day be sure to keep things organized.

  1. Starting the Day With an Email Check

This can be one of THE hardest bad habits to break. We are all guilty of logging onto our computer and going right for the email.

But nearly every business productivity expert gives the same advice: don’t!

When we start with an email check, it puts our brain in reactive mode rather than a proactive or creative mode. When we arrive to work, we are often at a peak mental state (assuming we didn’t suffer from a horrid commute and got our cup of Joe). This precious optimal mental state should be used tackling the hardest projects of the day, not scanning through emails.

It’s best to get a project or two done before checking your email. As a business owner, you often are bombarded with questions and comments from clients and employees. Set aside dedicated time to check your email, say at 11am, 2pm, and 4pm to deal with these emails. This allows you to really focus on your work and use email as a slight brain break during your natural energy dips.

  1. Not Taking Breaks

This is another difficult mistake to stop engaging in. It’s all too easy to sit down at your desk in the morning…and never get up again. We falsely believe the best way to maximize our work is to maximize our hours working. In reality, our brains are much more efficient when we take breaks. Even just a few minutes every hour getting up and stretching can help your brain feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever problem awaits you.

Try this Navy SEAL trick. Every hour, set an alarm on your phone for a SLLS break: stop, look around your surroundings, listen and try to name as many sounds as you can, and smell and try to name as many smells as you can. Soldiers use this when they are trudging through the worst environment possible for days on end. You can use it when you need a break from the hours staring at a computer.

  1. Failing to Look Long Term

In the daily hustle and bustle of work, it’s easy to get a narrow focus. There are so many tasks needing to be done now. But each day, you need to be preparing for the future. Spend time working on moving your business forward a few months from now. Send your current clients a little gift to strengthen that relationship. Attend a networking event or conference to build up your prospective client list. Take an online class to hone your skills. Try out new tools. Do something daily to prepare for the future. When the future comes, you’ll be ahead of your competition.

  1. Not Delegating or Outsourcing

This is a mantra all small business owners need to hear. Just because you can does not mean you should.

All too often we take on tasks that can and should be handled by someone else. We do this for many reasons. Maybe our team is so small we feel guilty passing along the task. Maybe we struggle with relinquishing control over our passion project. Maybe we worry it’ll take more time managing the employee than just doing it ourselves.

The reality is delegating is a powerful tool to maximize your business. Every small business owner should be delegating in some regard. You can delegate to your own employee or rely on the strength of a virtual assistant. Whatever approach you take, you can free up your valuable time to projects more pressing for your attention. It’s painful letting go, but you will be so glad you did!

3 Crucial Hurdles Before You See Your First Client

virtual assistant

Congratulations! You have decided to become an entrepreneur. It is a big step and if you are unfamiliar with the process, it can be very daunting. We are going to look
at the steps of starting a virtual assistant business, but these guidelines can apply to any other field. Making sure you have cleared these hurdles will help you plan, prepare, and manage your business more effectively.

Game Plan

If you are serious about starting a business you have to have a plan, specifically a business plan. Even if you don’t need outside funding to get going, you will want to have a plan to get your focus on what your business is and know what you are really going after. Your business plan should have an executive summary, a business description, a market analysis, a competitor analysis, a design plan, a management plan, and a financial summary. Your game plan is your focus. This is your map and directions to achieve your dream.


Every business requires legal paperwork to get started and legal considerations in operations. A virtual business carries an even heavier burden when it comes to privacy, security, copyright, and taxation. There are many things you must do before you can ever even call yourself a business and this can vary depending on where you live, so make sure you are paying attention to the details and get everything you need. Here is a quick list of the type of legal documentation that must be in place. This is not exhaustive by any means make sure you check with your local governments about all requirements.images

  • Decide on a legal structure: Is your business sole-proprietorship, partnership, or LLC, etc.? If you are not a sole-proprietorship, everything other structure needs additional legal formation.
  • Register your business name with the local state government.
  • Register for state and local taxes, including getting a tax identification number if necessary.
  • Apply for your business license and any permits needed in your location.

Your First Client

Now things are really exciting! You are all set up and you are ready to take on your first client. Here’s the kicker. How exactly do you do that? A virtual assistant is likely contacted by the potential client via email or maybe a phone call, and you will want to have all you ducks in a row when that first client contacts you. There are a few more things you will want to have ready.

  • Pricing structure: You will need to know what you charge for what services. Do you work hourly or by package? Do you charge different rates for different projects? Have this set and formatted where you can provide it for any potential client.
  • Hours: If you ask any entrepreneur, they work all the time! And so will you. Your unbillable hours will likely be more than your billable hours as you get your business going. But even though you are up working until midnight, you don’t want clients contacting you at all hours. Set a schedule where you will be available to your clients and make them respect that.
  • Account and business management: For your own sanity, you will want to set up some form of business management software. Use something to take care of the business end of things, accounting and bookkeeping, but you should also implement something that will be your project manager. This will help you track hours, due dates, and statuses of all your projects. You don’t want to let anything slip through the cracks.
  • Legal contract: You need something to help protect you. You need to have your contracted hours, tasks, wages, and length of contract described and include subjects such as copyright, privacy, time off, payment options, etc. This would be something good to have a lawyer look over, as you will want to implement it with every client.
  • Get to know you: As a virtual assistant it is harder to get to know you clients. You are not working with them daily or face-to-face. You will also work with many businesses that may not be in a field that you are familiar with. Make a questionnaire that you can have clients fill out about themselves and their business to help you understand them and their goals to better help their business.

Make sure you do your research. You don’t want to just jump in over your head. If you have everything lined out early, you will have less headache and stress down the road. After you clear the planning, legal, and your first client hurdle, you will have the confidence you need to make your virtual assistant business a roaring success.



14 Opportunities and Ideas to Help Add Additional Income During the Pandemic

Hello loves!  I wanted to share some information that may be helpful for those that recently were laid off and/or you are looking to supplement your income during and beyond the Convid-19 Pandemic. Like many online business owners,  I have a unique birdseye view because of the work that I do and the business I run. None of it is a secret or a ninja trick, and much of it you already have likely heard about, so most of it is just a re-iteration.  

I have compiled a list of 14 opportunities and ideas to help add additional income during the pandemic for yourself and your family in these times of uncertainty.  

As we start to do more and more delivery and curbside shopping, eating and etc… we will see that we simply do not have the force to support it.  Here are places that you can look into if you are looking for work.

1) Grocery stores are hiring and their services are in high demand.  Check into Clicklist and Instacart shoppers particularly

2) Doordash and Uber Eat Drivers – Even Pizza Delivery as well

3) Talk to your local marijuana dispensers and liquor stores – See about helping them with their curbside services…and in some cases delivery options

4) Amazon warehouses are hiring as well as drivers and customer service agents.  Amazon alone is providing over 100k jobs

5) Become a secret shopper.  I know that times are different right now, but there are many online secret shopping opportunities, for instance, customer service secret shopping with Expedia.  The restaurant and retail store options won’t be available (unless they pivot) is my guess, but there are other opportunities. Let me preface that this is NOT a huge moneymaker, but it is great for supplemental income. https://www.bestmark.com/  I always had fun with secret shopping and I think you could too.

If you are looking at making some extra money in the online sphere here are some pretty great options. 

6) For online work look into https://jobs.sykes.com/ , these are customer service jobs that you can do from home.  You must have a dedicated phone line (not a cell phone) and highspeed internet. 

7) Working Solutions is another home-based customer service opportunity as well – www.workingsolutions.com/

8) United Health Care for those that work in more of a medical field, they are hiring to help with the influx of calls that are coming in.  

9) If you have a special craft, like content writing, graphic design, etc… you can look into www.upwork.com  or www.guru.com and if you make and sell your own goods, look at facebook market place, www.etsy.com and www.ebay.com.   

10) I realize that the stock market is a pretty scary place right now, but it also offers a lot of opportunities.  Stocks are at a record low right now. The market will not be this unstable forever and it is guaranteed that there will be a boom (just don’t know when).  The beauty of that is if you can get in at a cheap buy-in, like now, it could provide a huge return in 6-months. Only look into this if you feel empowered to do so.  You can start up through Robinhood, which is a free platform for buying and selling stocks in the stock market. It is pretty intuitive and if you use this link you can earn free stock to start your journey with. Truly investing in stock (if you have the means) now might set you up for life. It could be like buying Amazon in 1997 if you get my drift!  For Robinhood, though, it doesn’t require any investment right now, just sign up, get your free stock and start dabbling. Use this link to get your free stock >>> https://bit.ly/freerobinhoodstock-jg 

11) For those that are toying with taking their business or ideas to Facebook, I have a free mini-training “8 Ways to Revive your Facebook Business Page Organic Reach” that you can take. It is a tiny bit outdated, but the content is still very relevant. www.va.alpinesbsolutions.com  

12) If you are looking to take your vision into an online setting and getting serious about taking this time to pivot instead of panic, I would like to offer up some of my time to help you brainstorm. While I do have limited time,  I still would like to offer up my own time as a resource. I am offering free 30 minute consults for a limited amount of folks (no strings attached, just value, value, value) the rest of the month. Private message me if you are interested.  

13) I am also working on some additional free training and webinars to help people with making supplemental income online or to finally start your own online business journey.  If you have a topic you would like me to touch on or have someone in the community talk about, please private message me or put your request below.

14) Lastly (for now), I would love to create a container for those interested to network together and join in on the opportunity to join think tanks, masterminds, engagement circles, and other self-promotion threads so we can all build each other up, stay connected, and love one another.

Do you have things to share or add to my list, please do? The more the merrier. The more information we can put out there the better.  I will continue to harvest more ideas around this as the days and weeks unfold.  

For those that are in a position to help, please help people, offer your time and what resources you can. This is a time to band together, practice impeccable hygiene, be compassionate and remember we are all in this together.  Do not lead in fear…keep being amazing and I am rooting for those that are having a hard time. Please share with someone that you think might benefit from this information as well. I love you!

25 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help Grow Your Business

25 Ways A Virtual Assistant Can Help Grow Your Business

Growing your business with a Virtual Assistant2013 is a year for huge goals and even bigger execution.  Just as the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”, the same goes for the growth of your business. To grow to the next level you need to enlist a team and practice the art of teamwork to help build a meaningful business. The problem is many new businesses do not have a full bank account and are often times working a second job or running their businesses off their credit cards.  They just don’t have gobs of money to throw around….YET!


When I first started my own business, I too was working a second job and was just taking on small administrative assistant type of projects here and there to help support my family and my crazy shoe fetish.   After a year or two went by of doing this, I realized that there was a viable market for what I was already offering.  At this time, way back when, the term “Virtual Assistant” was not a main stream term.  When I said Virtual Assistant, I would often get the cocked headed looks, just like what a puppy might do the first time it hears a peculiar sound.  People would often times give me that tilted head look and followed up with many questions on what a Virtual Assistant actually does.  To this day, 9+ years later, people are still intrigued what  a Virtual Assistant does and how they can help their business grow.  You may still be asking yourself what the heck is a Virtual Assistant exactly and if you need further explanation, please check it out here.

How using a Virtual Assistant can Increase your RevenueSo, lets get to the nitty gritty and the real reason you have  landed on this blog.  My first guess why you are here is because you are a small business owner, entrprenuer, soloprenuer, momprenuer or a “preneuer” of some kind and are looking for ways to get everything done and still maintain a healthy work/life balance.  You also have likely heard somewhere along the way that if you are in business for yourself you really should look at partnering and aligning yourself with a top-notch Virtual Assistant. Because there is no way you can do it all on your own, stay sane, continue to love what you do and most importantly still be profitable.  You know what?  Whoever they are, they were right, you can’t do it all on your own.


Growing Your Business with a Virtual Assistant

Remember at the beginning of this blog I referenced “it takes a village to raise a child” well it holds true for your business as well.  I am not going to lie, a Virtual Assistant can be your saving grace and best friend.  It truly is a method to help you stay on the right path and to take the burden of every day mundane tasks off your to-do list and fill your action item list with revenue generating work that you have a passion for.  I mean the whole reason you went into business for yourself was because you have a passion for something, right!  You never want to lose that zest!  So to hold onto that zestiness, a Virtual Assistant is a great resource and guide to help your business grow to the next level, while still staying in love with what you do and as a bonus, stay within your budget.  The best part is that as a Virtual Assistant we get it…we too are entrepreneurs offering a service to other entrepreneurs.  We get what it takes to run a business.

To demonstrate what a great asset a Virtual Assistant can be, my team and I have compiled a list of tasks and projects that a online business manager can do to help you and your business grow.  All this added value will generally only cost pennies on the dollar compared to a traditional assistant that requires an office, insurance, supervision, management, taxes and legalities…just to name a few.

How can a virtual assistant help your business grow?  Well check out these 25 ways a Virtual Assistant can help grow your business.

  1. Business Plan Development
  2. Small Business Coaching and Guidance
  3. Marketing Plan Development and Management
  4. Project Coordination & Management
  5. Event Coordination & Management (Teleseminar, Webinars, Seminars, Retreats, and other live events)
  6. Social Media Marketing and Management
  7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  8. Keyword Discovery
  9. Competitor Analysis
  10. Writing of Press Releases
  11. Writing of SEO rich Blogs
  12. Customer and Client Care and Support
  13. Online and Offline Research
  14. Word Processing and Data Entry
  15. Prepare and Create PowerPoint Presentations
  16. Update and manage your website
  17. Copywriting
  18. Proofreading
  19. Graphic Design
  20. Create and Prepare online Opt In Gifts
  21. Create and Prepare Auto Responder Series
  22. Travel Arrangements & Logistics
  23. Affiliate Membership Site Setup
  24. Online Store Management
  25. Executive Scheduling

AND SOOOOO much more!  If a task or service is not listed above, just ask.  This list is just the tip of the iceberg.  A well oiled Virtual Assistant who is a leader in their field will always cater to their clients needs and come up with the best solution for you and your business.  If you are a over tired, over worked and unbalanced entrepreneur that is looking for more information, look no further and reach out and contact us today.

How Do I Give Someone Access to my Facebook Ads Manager Account

There may come a time when you will want help with your Facebook advertising.  Instead of handing over the keys to your entire Facebook account you can give someone access to your Facebook Ads Manager account in less than 10 steps.

  1. Log in to your Facebook account as your personal Profile.
  2. Click the Ads Manager link on the left sidebar.
  3. Click Account Settings at the top (next to billing)
  4. It may prompt you to enter your password, if Facebook does, enter your password
  5. Scroll down to Ad Account Roles
  6. Click Add a Person
  7. When you start typing the name of the user you want to add, a list of your Facebook Friends appears; select the name of person you want to add from the drop-down list. Note: If you are not friends with them on Facebook they will not appear, but you can enter their email and invite them to access your Facebook ads manager account that way too.
  8. Select the access level.  You can change this at anytime. I suggest Ad Account Advertiser.
  9. Click Submit – The person you add will immediately have access to your ad account according to the role you chose for them

It really is as simple as that. You can get help, guidance and feedback on your facebook ads that you are running. In my opinion, having a few awesome and educated collaborators who know Facebook Ads and to give them access to your Facebook Ads Manager is something so very important to your social exposure and growth is PRICELESS!

And as always, if this stuff makes you dizzy and you just don’t want to take the time to learn all the ins and out Facebook ads, remember that Alpine Small Business Solutions, is your one stop shop for all your social media management and business building needs. We got your back, so give us a jingle or shoot over an email anytime we’re here to help.

Thank you for visiting our blog. We hope you enjoyed it. As a friendly reminder don’t forget to share this blog on your social networks and please comment, we love hearing from you!

This blog is brought to you by Alpine Small Business Solutions, Your Virtual Assistant and Online Business Manager Solution.

The Best Practices to Ace Your Pinterest Marketing

In the world of social media marketing, Pinterest is an odd duck. Sure, it’s a social platform. Sure, it’s a marketing tool. But Pinterest works differently than the platforms we’ve come to know and love (or, at the very least, begrudgingly use because we know it’s important).

The algorithm is different. The way audiences use the tool is different. The approach you need to take as a marketer needs to be different. Follow these best practices for a stellar Pinterest marketing strategy.

Do Optimize Your Pins.

Strategic keyword integration helps optimize your pins. Scatter keywords throughout the image file names, pin descriptions, board names, and board descriptions.

Do Conduct Regular Analysis.

Pinterest offers a great amount of data within its site for free. Every month or so look over to see your numbers. Pinpoint top performing pins, underperforming pins, and site traffic. Use this to tweak your strategy for the next month.

Do Integrate With Your Other Social Tools.

Let your social tools play off each other. Help your current followers find your account more easily by cross linking them. Every so often, tweet about one of your Pinterest boards to direct traffic to your page. Leverage the audience of one platform to build the audience on another.

Do Showcase Your Products.

Skip the highly promotional “buy this item” pins. These won’t perform well since using sales-y words like buy and sale anger the algorithm.

Take an indirect approach instead. Show ways customers can use your products in their lives. If you sell organic cage free eggs, make a board of all types of recipes using eggs. If you operate a microbrewery, make a board of DIY projects that recycle beer bottles.

Provide knowledge and value like you do with other pins, just integrate your product subtly into the mix.

Don’t Forget to Engage.

Remember the “social” part of “social media!” Make sure you pin posts from other accounts rather than only uploading your own links. It gives your boards the crucial variety and helps you get on the radar of other pages. Who knows, they may return the favor and follow you back. 

Don’t Neglect It.

Pinterest requires you to “feed the beast.” The algorithm rewards consistency. It’s better to regularly pin rather than go on a one hour straight pinning spree. Aim for between 5-30 pins a day.

Don’t Use Hashtags.

These not only offer no search engine benefit, they can actually hurt your pin ranking. 

Don’t Neglect the Images.

Pinterest is a highly visual platform. Paying attention to your images helps make the difference between a viral pin and an ignore pin.

For an optimized pin, focus on

  • Making a tall image with a 2:3 or 4:5 ratio
  • Using red/orange colors over blue ones
  • Using medium light
  • Using more than one dominant color

Don’t Pin Just to Pin.

It’s great to pin often and curate large boards bursting with pins. But it’s only great if these pins are worth pinning by your target audience. It’s easy to pin everything in sight in hopes of building up a Pinterest presence. But this sacrifices quality for quantity, which is not what your business is about.

Pinterest is a valuable asset to your marketing strategy. Using these best practices can help make your Pinterest presence stellar and improve your company’s marketing. If you lack the time to implement these strategies, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! We are happy to offer social media management services for Pinterest (or any other platform). Give us a call or sign up for a free consultation today.

Facebook Chatbots: What Are They and Why You Need Them

Customer service is a crucial component of your business. Quality customer service can generate new sales (after all, it’s cheaper to maintain current clients than to obtain new ones). Plus, an unhappy customer can take to Yelp and other online services to destroy your reputation among your target audience.

The customer service industry was recently revolutionized with the introduction of Chatbots. More specifically, the Facebook Chatbot.

What the Facebook Chatbot Is

The Facebook Chatbot allows you to essentially outsource your customer service interaction to a personalized-to-your-business technological tool. Your company can interact with numerous customers around the world without paying a cent of a customer service representative’s salary. Save big bucks. Make lots of happy customers. It’s a great set-up.

The Facebook Chatbot allows companies to create responses with video, audio, GIFs, files, and text. This variety allows for a high amount of personalization to your company’s brand. The bot can be built by you or by Facebook’s bot creating partners. The bots are designed to learn as they go. The more they are used, the smarter they become.

The Prevalence of Chatbots

In today’s digital world, more customers are turning online to seek help. We saw this rise with Twitter and Facebook. Customers didn’t want to be put on hold when they called the customer help line.

So, instead they turned to social media, where their requests were public and companies had an increased incentive to reply quickly and effectively. Companies who dropped the ball in customer service replies were ridiculed online. Companies who excelled were praised (and often gained new followers and customers).

Customers adapted to this quick reply system, turning less and less to calling in and instead typing in their requests. This set the stage for Chatbots to take off. Customers already turn to the web for assistance. What’s changed is the company’s ability to reply with intelligent, pre-crafted responses.

The Chatbot world is growing, with over 11,500 bots developed and many more in the works. More and more big-name companies are jumping on board and using Facebook Chatbots to revolutionize their customer service. It might be time for your company to get on board too!

Using the Facebook Chatbot for Your Business

The Facebook Chatbot is pretty versatile with the right programing. Take advantage of the many features they offer.

  • Let customers make a purchase. Customers can place orders within the bot itself, which is especially great for highly mobile target audiences. Pizza Hut, for example, allows customers to place orders through the bot (and reminds them of current promotions).
  • Let customers get updated information. Send out updates on your business or your industry. The Wall Street Journal, for example, gives users live stock quotes when they text a set code.
  • Connect customers to your products. Some industries, like tech industries, lend themselves well to this integration. HP allows people to print through messenger to an HP printer.
  • Help customers make appointments. If you provide a service, the bot can handle appointment times. Sephora noticed an 11% increase in bookings through the bot compared to their other booking methods.
  • Provide personalized content. The bot can help customers find relevant articles and information on your site. The Whole Foods bot helps customers find a great recipe by typing in words like “lunch” and “turkey dish”
  • Let customers keep a record of the information. The beauty of bot conversations is they are recorded. Some customers can benefit from keeping this information handy. No more frustrating calling a company for assistance, writing down the instructions, then losing the instructions a few days later. Now customers can just pull up the app to refresh their memory.
  • Conduct customer analysis. These bots provide a wealth of information and insight into your customers. Go over frequently asked questions. See what customers are struggling with. Find out what they are curious about. It’s like market analysis for much, much cheaper.

The Facebook bot will take time (and, in turn, money) to create and implement. But for many businesses, it can be a valuable investment. Maybe your customer service department is overflowing with the same types of questions. Maybe you want to offer more convenient ways to order products or make appointments. Maybe your target demographic is often online. These are a few reasons to jump on board the Facebook Bot train. If you want assistance with developing a solid Facebook bot marketing strategy, Alpine Small Business Solutions is here for you! Give us a call or shoot us an email today for more information.