Tag Archives: Social Bookmarking

What is Blog Bookmarking & the 20 Sites You Should Be Posting Your Blog to…for Free

In most cases the whole reason you have gotten into blogging is to share information about your dog, your business, your mandolin picking progression, your health and weight loss or the experiences that have shaped and shifted your life.  You have also likely learned that blogging will help you gain visibility and traffic to your website and is a necessary step in increasing your SEO. That is all well and fine, but how are you going to achieve the traffic and visibility to your content.  Unless you are a SEO ninja or have a super sweet SEO team backing you, you likely have to take things into your own hands and learn the ropes. The question most people want to know is HOW? 

The answer is easy! Harness the power of Social Media & Social Bookmarking.  With a few strokes of the keys and clicks of the mouse YOU, my friend, can make some serious magic happen! Within minutes of submitting your blog to various social media outlets, social bookmarking and directory sites you are instantaneously and automatically connected to thousands of other like minded folks all over the world. Which means that traffic and visibility to your blog and website is happening all the time even when you are sleeping, showering or shaving! How flipping cool is that, right?

If you want to brush up and learn more about social bookmarking check out the wiki page.

There are hundreds of social media and social bookmarking sites out there.  Some fail, some suck, but the bottom line is that there are way too many for me to list here.  I have been doing this for a long time and with endless hours of trial and error, I have finally come up with a dream list of 20 Social sites that you SHOULD be posting all your blogs to.  The best part is they are all FREE to submit to.

If you have a site that you post to and love and don’t see it in my list below, feel free to hook me up with the details. Post in the comment string below or send me an email. I would love to check it out.

Don’t have time? Does all this info makes you dizzy?  No problem, we got ya covered.  Contact us, today and let Alpine Small Business Solutions take care of all your social media and social blog bookmarking for you.

Public Service Announcement:  Hey you, sit up straight, shoulders back, your posture is important.

Click the icon to be taken directly to their website for more information and register for your own account.

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